
That’s Just Me


That’s just who I am
Words oft spoken to excuse something
a damaging or harsh word
an action that leaves hurt and pain in its wake

That’s just who I am
implies “so I can do or say whatever I wish”
implies “I’m not responsible for the outcome or result”
implies “so just deal with it”
implies “I cannot or will not change”

That’s just who I am
a justifying statement
a limiting statement
a statement of no faith

What if…
It’s not just who I am
but it’s the result of pain I’ve endured
or experienced that I am trying to avoid
It’s not just who I am
but it’s the walls I’ve erected
to do everything I can to protect myself
from future pain
It’s not just who I am
but it’s the pattern I’ve developed
the voices I listen to
the easier way than trying to change

Who am I?
Better yet, who can I be in Christ?

A reflection after reading Romans 12:9-21