


You have given yourself to me
What does this even mean?
Think on this for a moment

You – God
have given – as a gift, freely, unreservedly
yourself– Godself, all of You, Creator, Almighty, Immanent
to me – who am I? why me?

So undeserved
Far too often underappreciated
Sometimes, even rarely acknowledged

You have given yourself to me
Who am I that you are mindful of me?

What can I do to keep this?
Receive it
What can I do to lose it?
Turn away from it
Because I made you in my image, to be with me, and I love you

You have given yourself to me
And even though there are many challenges
Worldly pleasures and concerns
vying for my attention
desiring the place that only you should be
whispering to me “more”
want more
need more
achieve more
be more

Your love says “enough”
you are enough
grace is enough
Christ is enough

Show me your grace, Lord
Lavish on me your love, Lord
That is enough for me

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